From now on, you can convert Turkish lira (TRY), the official currency of the Republic of Turkey, in our exchange offices. It is possible to exchange this currency in all our exchange offices throughout Belgrade and the whole of Serbia and follow the daily exchange rate on our exchange rate list.
Turkish lira ₺
Like a number of other currencies of Europe and the Middle East, the Turkish lira has its origins in the ancient Roman unit of weight - the libra (pound). In its history, this currency experienced a series of incarnations. The Ottoman lira used to be in use from 1844 to 1923, it was succeeded by the first Turkish lira (from 1923 to 2005), while the second Turkish lira was put into circulation in 2005 and is still in use today
The currency symbol was created in 2012 by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, and the solution was selected in a national competition. At its launch on March 1, 2012, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan explained that the anchor-shaped design symbolizes the image of the currency as a safe harbor, while the slanting lines represent its growing prestige.